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your horse is in good hands.

Get to know Dr. Colleen O'Leary 

My passion and purpose is to offer more pain management options to our beloved animal companions, promote animal athletic longevity, and transform prior perceptions about what is possible for equine health.



We take the time to listen to your story so that we can better understand the needs of you & your horses.


Goals of Equine Rehabilitation

Equine rehabilitation focuses on restoring horses to peak condition following injury or illness. Through tailored exercise programs, targeted therapies, and optimal nutrition, we enhance mobility, build strength, and support long-term recovery. This comprehensive approach not only aids in healing but also helps prevent future injuries, allowing your horse to perform at its full potential once again.

Step 1: Pain Management

Managing your equine athlete's pain is crucial for recovery. Proper care can prevent compensation patterns and enhance their overall well-being.

Step 2: Restore Range of Motion

After an injury, your horse's range of motion won’t naturally return to its previous state without proper intervention. They’ll need support to restore full mobility. Optimal joint protection only occurs when joints can reach full flexion and extension, making targeted rehabilitation essential for a complete recovery.

Step 3: Coordination and Control 

Joints, especially the spine, must be stabilized prior to movement, and muscles must be activated in precise order. At The Zen Vet, you will collaborate with a veterinary professional to establish a comprehensive plan aimed at achieving stability prior to advancing in your recovery process.

Step 4 :Develop Strength

This is where most people want to start, but If the correct muscles do not have enough strength for the task, secondary muscles will be recruited. Once the range of motion and body awareness are enhanced, the equine athlete can begin to rebuild the strength of major muscle groups such as the back and hindquarters.

Step 5: Refine Sport Specific Movements

After building strength, we focus on training complex movements, speed, and agility. It’s essential to have all foundational steps in place first, or we risk injury. Dr. Colleen, a dedicated equestrian, truly understands the expertise required to reach peak equine athletic performance.

Step 6: Maintenance Care and Athletic Longevity

Work alongside Dr. Colleen to cultivate the perfect posture for your horse that promotes a vibrant life filled with wellness and comfort! 

Learn more about The Zen Vet Approach

Q: How does veterinary acupuncture work?

A: When fine needles are placed in specific points in the body it stimulates the release of different neurotransmitters, specifically endorphins. At a local level, the needles actively stimulate tissue healing by increasing circulation and positively stimulating the surrounding muscle fascia. 

Q: How does animal chiropractic work?

A: Chiropractic is a safe and natural way of affecting a patient's neurology. Controlled and precise force is applied to specific locations along the spine which frees up tightness and muscular interferences allowing the entire nervous system to reset and restore function to the muscles, glands, and distant nerve endings.

Veterinary chiropracitc and acupucture.png
Kinesiology  noun

The study of the anatomy, physiology and the biomechanics of body movement in relation to injury and physical therapy.

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